Local residents and County Councillor’s for Woodham are celebrating as lighting is being reinstalled on Burnhill Way where the previously Labour-run County Council removed them a number of years ago. County Councillors Michael Stead, Tony Stubbs and David Sutton-Lloyd, have worked together to find the funding for the replacement lights.
The lighting was originally removed some years ago as part of a scheme by the then Labour-run Council to reduce the amount of street lighting to save money. At the time residents from across the area strongly objected, especially about safety, but the lighting was removed. Funding has been obtained for the 300m stretch of footpath from the Local Transport Plan, local Councillor’s, Neighbourhood budgets and the Area Action Partnership.
Councillor Michael Stead comments, “We were told clearly during the election last year that residents wanted the lights back. It’s something I’ve been pushing for for several years and has been desperately needed.”
The stretch of road separates Woodham Golf Course and a large number of homes from the rest of the Woodham area. All other streets in the area have street lighting apart from this stretch, which many people use each day. Councillors say the road is particularly dark because of the amount of tree cover and the lights should never have been removed.
Councillor David Sutton-Lloyd comments, “By working together we have been able to get this issue resolved really quickly. I’m delighted that residents will now be able to walk safely along this pavement. The lights should never have been removed in the first place.”
Despite being from different political parties, the three local Councillors say they will continue working together to fix the issues left by the Labour Party.
Councillor Tony Stubbs explains, “Durham County Council is now run by a joint administration of Councillors from five different political parties and Independents in the interests of all local residents. Our aim is to provide more of these kind of schemes which improve residents lives across the area, working together to fix the mess left by Labour.”
Lighting the Way