Dear Sir,
Given the Kremlin-style Coalition’s draconian cut-backs to Public Services Finances, I can appreciate Durham Police’s dire need to carefully re-evaluate their property assets to ensure best value for funding future policing for Great Aycliffe.
With that in mind, might they consider the use of the ‘ temporary library’ building across the road from the original offices when the Library Service is re-located by Durham County Council?
It has ‘facility potential’, parking spaces, walk-in public access, high profile civic siting. It is next to the Magistrate’s Courts and multi-storey car parking. And importantly, direct road access in case of emergencies in the heart-land of Great Aycliffe.
Any adaptations for Police usage might not be insurmountable for Durham Police to tackle economically, surely?
And whilst I’m aware that pointing out the obvious is fraught with unforeseen problems, an opinion on that potential use of a public asset in our Town Centre would be appreciated. And, who knows? If G.A.T.C. considered a ‘shared-use’ and costs of such a facility, it might bring THEM closer to the heart and minds of the Great Aycliffe electorate, IN the Town Centre, once again?
OUR TOWN CENTRE DOES NOT NEED A ‘BY-PASS’. It needs Civic action to ensure it becomes a thriving, throbbing, Civic Centre again.
Don Fraser,