A by-election for the Shafto/St Mary’s Ward of the town council will be held on 12th October (postal votes were sent out last weekend).
Liberal Democrat Brian McAnaney is standing on a platform of fighting to improve policing in our town and investing in youth provision.
County Councillor Nev Jones, supporting Brian, says, “Brian will make a great town councillor. He’s already shown the town that he means business with his petition to save our police station.”
The petition can still be signed using the QR code above or going to durhamlibdems.org.uk/police
Brian works as a carer and during lockdown he helped deliver food and medicine to people. He will report back to residents regularly and wants to see more done to tackle anti-social behaviour and to improve youth services.
He comments, “I’ve worked all my life and, as many people in Aycliffe will know, I’ve helped out with local charities too. I feel our town council can be run better and for residents, if you elect me I will work closely with my eight Lib Dem colleagues on the town council to make it more efficient and effective. We need to feel safe in our town which is why I will continue my campaign to stop our police boss wasting over £1million on wages for her office. It’s police on our streets and youth services we need, not political pen pushers in an office miles from Newton Aycliffe.”
The by-election takes place on Thursday 12th October and Brian wants to remind everyone to take photo ID with them when voting.