Dear Sir,
I was very disappointed to learn that the cleaning of the boating lakes had to stop. The people who have cleaned them have full time jobs and do this in their spare time.
My family and I have helped because we believe the lakes should be clean as it is more healthy for the ducks and swans who now seem to use the areas that have been cleaned. It’s also nice to see people use the clean areas to sail toy boats.
Surely the town council can see this will benefit everyone and we are not asking for money, just clean lakes as the smell when it’s warm is horrid. It has not been as potent this year because of the cleaning process so I urge the council to get their heads in gear and let us continue the work that needs doing. We have a nice town centre so why not have nice lakes?
Can you imagine how many people would come to this area to just sit and watch ducks, swans and people using toy boats?
I beg the council to give permission to start cleaning again as I am certain once its done the town would benefit from this by more people using this area.
The town council must listen to the people of Aycliffe that live in that area when the smell is bad. I would love to have nice clear lakes that people are going to use and not dump rubbish in.
Left Unkept the Lakes are Smelly