Sunday 15th September was a notable day at The Hallgarth Hotel – a Ladies Day with a Difference – “Bras, Boobs, Bakes & Bunting” to raise money for Breast Cancer Care and Oxfam for their Great Bra Hunt.
The Great Bra Hunt is an initiative by Oxfam for ladies in the UK to donate their bras to be sent to developing countries where Oxfam employs local ladies to fix and sell them at an affordable price. Who knew a bra could offer that much “support?”
It was a day for ladies with stalls, speakers, beauty treatments, Henna, a workshop, raffle and a delicious buffet. Stall holders were all local craft specialists, artisans and local small businesses including Iced Flair, Toppers and Tiaras, Berkano Wood, Gillian Arnold, Scribble & Patch, Mrs B’s Kitchen, Temple Spa and Cylie’s Silver Republic. Gillian Arnold hosted a free taster bunting workshop. Pampering zones were in the corners of the room for ladies to enjoy TLC. All included in the ticket price. Ladies could choose from henna designs, threading, reflexology, massages, facials and manicre The raffle had an amazing array of prizes which had all been donated by local businesses.
We had three speakers: A wonderful lady from Breast Cancer Care told her personal story, how she became a volunteer and how we ladies should be checking ourselves. Breast Cancer Care does so much to help those who are worried, concerned and who need some extra support.
Oxfam explained how they empower and educate people in other countries to form cooperatives to farm or run their own small business.
The final speaker was a lady who made it her life’s mission to get ladies in the right sized and right fitting bra – Sadie the Bra Lady who explained how she got into the lingerie business and how she changes ladies lives and perspective on their figure just through getting them into the correctly fitting bra.
Everyone was asked to bring something home baked to share which was the “Bakes” part of the event.
There was a wealth of goodies for everyone to enjoy from a delicious cheeseboard to cheese and lager slice, quiche, bread, scones, fruit cake, meringues, Lemon Crunch cake, cupcakes, muffins and meringues.
We raised a grand total of £530.00 which will be shared between Breast Cancer Care and Oxfam. The bra bin was overflowing by the end of the event with 250 donated to Oxfam.
A huge thank you to all helpers, Newton News, Aycliffe residents, Hallgarth Hotel staff, raffle ticket buyers, stallholders, bakers, speakers, and the many people who donated bras and to everyone who purchased tickets. Together we have indeed raised “A BRA BUSTING AMOUNT FOR CHARITY”
Ladies Day Raises Bra- Busting Amount for Charity