Dear Sir,
It would appear that many people on this town don’t have access to the internet, yet DCC insist that people do it ‘on-line’.
An incident appeared that a local resident, who tried to get DCC to collect an old fridge, doesn’t have access to a computer or smart phone, yet DCC give or make no provision to get items collected by any other means.
Local Councillors are not helping the people they are supposed to represent, by not providing any back up of advice via any form of surgery or newsletter. My role is to put pressure on Councillors not doing the job, for which they are paid quite well, in my opinion.
Whilst I have been asked to stand for election, the situation has not changed and the answer is still ‘no’. What these people won’t do is shut me up, as I am often told, I will continue to campaign for justice to the most vulnerable in the Parish of Great Aycliffe. Also there is a charge and DCC haven’t got it yet, but we keep seeing fly tipped items. I think the Council should give people an amnesty and not make this charge. I now believe that this Lib/Dem led coalition are only in it for their own benefit and not the people.
Vince Crosby