Dear Sir,
Councillor Barbara Clare’s letter in last week’s edition is full of inaccuracies to put it politely!
Fact: On 12th June 2019, Labour, (through Cllr Barbara Clare), after 40 years in control, changed Council Standing Orders to read “That the point of entry for members of the public be the rear Council Chamber door which is accessed from the Public Car Park. This door to be open for public access 30 minutes prior to the advertised time of the meeting. This to apply equally to all persons unless they are invited through reception by a Councillor or Member of Staff”.
Labour, no one else, changed the rules, no allowance for disabled applied then, one must ask, why? It was so that Labour’s cronies (party members) could use the Staff/Councillors entrance, no one else, just favoured access, for Labour Councillors friends, not the public or disabled.
Fact: We changed the rules back to how they were for over 40 years, blocking Labour from favouring their party members over and above the public. Cllr Clare, as a Councillor, is perfectly able to use the Councillor/Staff entrance as before. No change there.
Fact: Any Council invited speaker or authorised visitor, would be guided by the Town Clerk or his staff.
Fact: Labour put in the public access path and ramp at the front of the building 20 years ago specifically for the public and disabled to use, and improve access for the disabled and for security.
Fact: For all the year’s the public disabled access has been there Labour never once objected, not Cllr Jed Hillary or any other Labour Councillor, this issue came about because Cllr Clare and Labour changed the rules in 2019 to suit Labour’s cronies, now they cry because we removed that cronyism. The new administration promises to serve all interests, not just Labour.
Cllr Ken Robson
Independent Spokesperson
Labour’s Cronyism Ended
![Labour’s Cronyism Ended](