Dear Sir,
Can I assure readers that the December meeting of the County Council did discuss cutting the wages of Teaching Assistants. A proposal to cut wages in January by up to £5000 a year failed because a Lib Dem Councillor objected.
A full report of the meeting was in the Northern Echo where it was agreed Council officers would brief School Governors on the proposal.
No decision was made because Labour councillors did not get their own way.
Labour are obviously dodging the issue by passing the decision to unions and schools.
It is the same with DLI Museum where the Labour members speak with one voice and no heart! Aycliffe councillor, Mike Dixon said the museum was in the wrong place. Has he no respect for Durham’s proud regiment? Once again only Lib Dems listened to supporters while Labour ignored them.
It would be nice if Councillor John Clare in his County Newsbits in Newton News let residents know what Aycliffe Councillors do and don’t support in the Council Chamber.
Maud Gray, Stephenson Way
Labour Speak with One Voice and No Heart