Dears Sir, It would appear from Cllr. Derek G Atkinson’s letter in last week’s Newton News that the local Labour Party is running scared of the ‘Momentum’ faction which has hijacked the national Labour Party. Cllr. Atkinson declares his support for the policies of Owen Smith (Leadership[ contender) and advises that our MP Phil Wilson is of the same mind. However, I don’t see how a policy of calling for another Referendum on the E.U. can be ’progressive’. Rather, it is most certainly ‘regressive’! Owen Smith is calling for another Referendum and is ignoring the fact that the majority of voters in the Labour heartland of the North East voted to Leave the E.U. It would appear, therefore, that the local Labour Party is running scared of the ‘looney left’ that has infiltrated their national party and consider that survival of an unelectable Labour Party, under the leadership of Owen Smith, is more important than carrying out the wishes of the majority of voters in the North East by assisting the Government in making Brexit work for Britain. The Brexit vote has changed the face of British politics until such time that the electorate are satisfied that we are out of the E.U. and the British Parliament is once again sovereign. The Leave campaign won the Referendum. Leave means Leave. This is especially the case when post–referendum polls indicated that 65% of the electorate accepted the Leave result and considered the Government should commit to leaving the E.U. Why does the Labour Party expect the Leave voters to suddenly become remaniacs? Cllr. Atkinson and MP Phil Wilson should be aware that Jeremy Corbyn will, almost certainly, be re-elected as Labour leader and that the British electorate will not elect a party which supports his communist views on the non- defence of our democracy. If Corbyn is re-elected I foresee that sitting Councillors and MPs,who oppose him, face de-selection to make way for ‘Momentum Looney Left’ candidates. I consider it to be incumbent upon Phil Wilson to advise those who voted him into office whether he will stand as an independent MP on a manifesto similar to the one he was elected upon, or seek re-selection as a ‘Momentum’ candidate! This, instead of accusing the Independent Electoral Commission of gerrymandering and being undemocratic in its attempt to make all MP’s face a similar number of electors. The existing constituencies gave Labour a ten seat ‘unfair and undemocratic’ advantage at the last three General Elections; Tony Blair knew this and did nothing about it. Further, describing the Electoral Commission’s suggestions as being “Conservative gerrymandering” is wrong, inappropriate and could be considered inflammatory. British Government gerrymandering in Northern Ireland, following the Partition of Ireland, is generally accepted as being one of the causes of the 1960s ‘Troubles’ in the Province. That was real gerrymandering! Alastair P.G. Wels
Labour Candidate Selection