As we have celebrated the author Roald Dahl in many of our schools this week, he would have been 100 years old, we have decided to show the classic children’s film ‘James and the Giant Peach‘ at our monthly film club. The film is about an orphan boy who lives with his two cruel aunts. He befriends humanlike bugs that live inside a giant peach. Their adventures take them all around New York city. KIDZFLICKS – is a cinema club open to all local children and their families and friends who enjoy the cinema experience without the expense. All seats are only £1 with sweets,pop-corn,icecreams and crisps available from 20p. The film club is run by the children’s team at St. Clare’s Church and based in the community front hall. We open the doors at 1.30pm and the film will begin at 2pm. Parents are welcome to stay or may return to collect the children at 3.30pm. The film club is always on the first Saturday of each month so we invite you along on Saturday 1st October at 2pm.
Kidz Flicks
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