Due to a prior booking there will be NO film club on Friday 14th August – please come along and support the model railway club instead and enjoy a sausage sandwich!
Friday Flicks will continue on Friday 21st August with the BAAAAA RILLIANT Family adventure Shaun the Sheep. Shaun is a clever mischievous young sheep who lives on Mossy Bottom Farm under the nominal supervision of the Farmer. Come along to watch this funny family film which begins at 2pm on Friday 21st August in the Movie Hall attached to St. Clare’s Church.
All seats are only £1 with popcorn, crisps, sweets and juice available from 20p. Enjoy an ice-cream cone or lolly for only 30p.Adults are very welcome to stay and enjoy the movie for free too or children can watch the film with friends and be collected at 3.30pm. Please come along.
Kids Flix