After another amazing set of exam results KDANZ are preparing for another trip of a lifetime! As it nears to their performance date they haven’t taken a foot off the gas!
With finals for Wildcats performances GOT TO DANCE auditions and charity events this month, the dancers and parents will then make their way down to London on Saturday 3rd May when KDANZ will perform at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL !
This prestigious invitation is only given to the most professional and hard working dance schools and Principal Kay Thompson commented “our dance school has an ethos of everyone is welcome and this opportunity was no different. The only requirement is enthusiasm and they’ve got it. Everyone has worked so hard and it’s so exciting to share another major life experience with such inspiring children. The dedication from both children and parents alike is excellent and I am so proud of every single one.”
If anyone would like to support the trip KDANZ are fundraising for refreshments. If anyone is interested in joining KDANZ or would like more info please contact Kay on 07900 365892.
KDANZ AV-A-TAR Time of Their Life!