On Thursday 6th April Zanshin-Kai Red Dragons kids class took their first grade test of 2017. These Karate kids showed great enthusiasm, effort & technique throughout the grading. The Instructors, assistants and families say congratulations and well done to the youngest members of our club, who all successfully gained their new Blue Belt 5th Mon: Maddison Fenton, Martha Noble, Adam Smith, Emma Smith & Jonah Harrop.
Green belt 6th Mon: Ollie Fleming, Ellis Fleming, Sammy Lake, Miley Simpson, Cory Mitchell, Erin Sutherland & Lola Giudice.
Yellow belt 8th Mon: Travis Alton, Maisie Cochrane, Connor Clark & Zac Hill. Red belt 9th Mon: James Henderson, Emma Henderson & Joshua Henderson. Zanshin-Kai Red Dragons is a class specifically for children who range in ages from 5-9. The class aims to introduce children to the benefits of sport, exercise and the values of Martial arts.
All instructors are insured, first aid trained and have undergone advanced disclosure checks with the criminal records bureau and been cleared to work with children and vulnerable adults. We will be holding a Beginners Class after the Easter Holidays for the Red Dragons. New starters are always welcome at our Junior & Adult classes. For more information on Zanshin-Kai Karate or Zanshin-Kai Red Dragons call into Woodham Community Centre or telephone an Instructor on 07917 203421/ 07970554524 / 07746 204064 or email zanshin-kai-karate@hotmail.co.uk. Facebook (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).
Karate Gradings