Newton Aycliffe Junior Football Club hosted their 2013 Christmas Party on Thursday 19th December at Sunnydale Leisure Centre for children aged from development up to under 12’s and their siblings. The party was attended by over a hundred children and they were a total credit to the club in their behaviour throughout the party.
The children were kept entertained by Professor Nincompoop and a bouncy castle provided by the Leisure Centre. Santa Claus made an appearance and greeted each child with a gift. NAJFC is a completely voluntary organisation which is ran by a number of managers, officials, coaches and committee members who all give up their free time throughout the year to coach and develop the children.
A massive thank you to all of the parents who support their child throughout the season and at social events such as the Christmas Party. A special thank you to all who helped to organise the party, helped to set up, supervised the children and helped clear up.
Thank you to Professor Nincompoop who managed to entertain all the children throughout the party and finally Sunnydale Leisure Centre for all their help and support with the venue, not only for the party, but throughout the season, providing indoor and outdoor training and pitches for the matches to be played.
If you interested in joining a friendly and progressive junior football club who offer coaching from 4 to 21 years old then please contact us via our website or visit our face book page ‘Newton Aycliffe Junior Football club’
Junior Football Club Party