SHINE Choir is a children/ young people’s community choir for all children who are school aged. We have great fun getting together on a Monday evening, 5pm-6pm in St. Clare’s Hall. The choir free of charge although we gratefully receive donations of juice and biscuits to keep us going! We are holding taster sessions throughout September to give children the opportunity to see if it’s an activity they would like to continue with. So please bring any children along who love singing and performing and give it a try. Recently we have been lucky to receive funding from GAMP to develop the stage in the hall and exciting things are happening with that. We have WIFI facilities and words on screen which will allow us to use modern music media and make it simpler for younger children. The choir team all have DBS certificates and parents are welcome to stay also if they wish. So what are you waiting for.? Our Christmas Production will be based on Strictly Dancing, with line-dancing, sheep and ballet dancing angels! It will be loads of fun and is always performed (twice) to a full audience nearer Christmas time. We have a FACEBOOK page Youth/ChildrenSt.Clares which always has details of all our Children’s Groups posted and is a means of contacting the team.
Join Young People’s Community Choir