A couple of years ago the bottom fell out of my world. Some stuff happened when I was younger and it had a massive impact on my life as the years went by.
I couldn’t cope and depression spiralled out of control. I was lonely and it was a very dark place to be. I would move from house-to-house as I never really settled. I’d stay in the new house for a few months and then try and find a new place to live, it was chaos!
I started to drink on a casual basis but it soon lead into deeper things with drugs and self-harming. I had to pay for these things and subsequently the debt letters started mounting up, I felt worthless and useless and could do anything right.
I lost everything I held dearly in my heart, I was in a pit and tried desperately to get out, but on my own it all seemed impossible.
I was advised to phone the ‘Helping Hands’ team for support. I didn’t really think that they could make a big difference in my life, however through my recovery, I now know that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I’ve heard the quote “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Well, they taught me to fish! They didn’t offer me a quick fix, although I was offered food and household packs. They sat me down and offered long-term solutions.
I was able to get help when I needed it and I’m forever grateful for that. Of course there were consequences to my actions, which I have to work through, but with the help of other supportive people I’m sure that I will come out stronger. I’m delighted to say that my old lifestyle has completely gone.
Recently I have been on learning and development courses and a money education course. It has really helped me review my finances and budget on a week-to-week basis. Due to this I have been able to save and go on holiday.
If I can give something back to help others in similar situations then I’m more than happy to do that. I now work with the Helping Hands team as a volunteer. If I could give a bit of advice to readers right now its please do not suffer in silence as there is plenty of help out there and it will get you through the trials you are facing.
If ‘Helping Hands’ can’t help you they will signpost you to the right support. One thing they try to do is to make sure nobody is left alone to feel the way I did. If you need help, please phone the helpline 07936 431262.
I am really enthusiastic about the future and I am so excited about the new projects that we doing within the charity.