One book, ‘It’s Your World Now’, by Barry Falls, has captured the imagination of every pupil at Sugar Hill Primary in the first two weeks of this new academic year.
Prior to the summer holidays pupils did not have their usual transition days to meet their new classroom staff, due to Covid19. It was then decided, when the children returned to school in September, that there would be dedicated time, in the first two weeks, to ensure staff and children were able to engage in a wide range of creative activities based on this whole school book.
Oracy is high on our school agenda and there has been lots of talking, so children and staff have really got to know each other and quickly established positive relationships. Children across school have amazed staff with their creativity and skills of cooperation and collaboration.
There are three main lessons in the book. Lessons that are important for children and adults alike. Lesson 1 is the world is full of wonderful things. How true this is and something we may have forgotten with Covid19. Lesson 2 is things will not always go your way. This lesson has really helped our older pupils to further develop their resilience and what we call ‘bouncebackability’. Lesson 3 is vital. The children have all been reminded that we are all different, we all achieve in different ways and that we must remember that no matter what, we are loved.
Talking about these three ‘life lessons’ has been the springboard for all children to launch into our brand new project based curriculum for 2021-2022. Projects have started this week and we can’t wait to share the outcomes from these projects with our families and local community.
It is so lovely to see all our children excited to be back at school and to see their enthusiasm as they interact with each other in our engaging new curriculum. It’s been fantastic to have parents and carers attending ‘Welcome Meetings’ in school and we are all delighted to be able to share this positive start to this school year first hand with our families and we have everything crossed that this amazing start to our school year goes from strength to strength.
Together everything is possible and we want to say a huge thank you to all our parents and carers for all they have done to help us make this happen. We can’t wait to share project outcomes with Newton News readers – watch this space!
“It’s Your World Now!”