Dear Sir,
Much has been made about the drastic changing face of local politics but with great change comes great responsibility and nothing can create greater dissatisfaction than those who raise public expectation and then fail to deliver. Politics is about perception and character; the perceptions of the electorate as to what they think the problems are, and what should be done about them, and the character of the men and woman who seek to act in the best interest of the community as a whole.
Change, when it’s needed, is all well and good but we must ensure our response to the politics of the past is both measured and appropriate. New brooms have their uses but a period of reflection is prudent and must come before promises of drastic sweeping changes. The first leg of this race was decided on the 6th May, but now we have to pace ourselves for the four year journey ahead.
Democracy is a wonderful idea but high ideals must have their roots set firmly in grounded reality and nothing worthwhile comes to fruition without the commitment and dedication of those who believe in its value and are prepared to work to make it a reality. Quick fixes may gain us plaudits and even buy us some time, but quick fixes aren’t always the same as lasting solutions and can lead to inevitable disappointments.
The politics of the past created both disappointment and disillusionment and indirectly presented us with the opportunity to capitalise on their short comings and do things differently. It’s right we should take a moment to enjoy our success, but remind ourselves to learn from the past and remember it’s always better to surprise people than disappoint them.
Cllr Phillip Hawkins
It’s Better to Surprise the People Than Disappoint Them
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