Dear Sir,
I must agree with your editorial that we would have been better off linking with Darlington Borough Council than under Durham County Council.
So much is getting done in Darlington and the new retail development there is remarkable. No mention of taking away street lights, and their roads are well looked after.
Durham County Council don’t give us the recognition we deserve and Aycliffe is having to pay to keep our lights on, yet they are putting more around the Riverside Cricket Club at Chester-le-Street. Is it something to do with the fact that the Leader of the Council comes from there?
Then we have our MP praising the success of our town centre where we keep losing shops and its maintenance is appalling with rubbish all over the precinct.
Instead of the Labour Party County Councillors knocking on doors recruiting they should be fighting for our town’s future.
The Neighbourhood Plan clearly indicates residents want more shops and a retail park. Durham City is to get another one so why don’t we hear our eight County Councillors working to satisfy the needs of the people they represent? We need them to stop toeing the Party line and begin fighting our corner.
A Concerned Ratepayer
Name & address supplied.
It’s all Happening in the North of the County