Are you part of a group that works in the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) area? Do you have a project idea that requires funding? Could your project help GAMP address its priorities for the area? If so, grants of between £5,000 and £11,000 are available to groups for projects which support our key priorities.
GAMP has an Area Budget of £100,000 available to fund projects within the Great Aycliffe and Middridge village areas. There is £33,333 available within each of the 2018/19 GAMP priorities; and projects should address at least one of the following priorities and the specified key issues:
Children, Young People & Families Priority
Projects are invited which help improve positive outcomes to support children, young people, young carers and their families from the GAMP area to live a happier and healthier life. Projects must address one of the following key issues:
• Risky behaviour, including alcohol/drugs/smoking/crime
• Provision of activities/things to do for 0-19 years (or 19-25 years for those with special educational needs and disability)
• Children’s physical, emotional and mental health
• Economically disadvantaged children, young people & families
Older People Priority
Projects are invited which help support older GAMP residents to live a happier and healthier life (older residents are defined by Age UK as 50yrs+). Projects must address at least one of the following key issues:
• Health, including mental health, dementia, depression, access to social activity
• Access to activity; facilities, transport, welfare/money issues and lifelong learning opportunities
• Social support: having regular contact with friends, family or neighbours
Employment, Enterprise & Training Priority
Projects are invited which aim to help improve positive outcomes for GAMP residents to gain employment and/or access to training. The key issues of particular interest are:
• apprenticeships, particularly aimed at targeting specific skills shortages
• gaining measurable work experience (preferably for the long-term unemployed)
• careers advice
Funding can be spent on either capital or revenue costs, but projects which include a specific element of capital spend are strongly encouraged.
How to Apply
Contact the GAMP Team for an application pack. You can also contact the team if you are unsure whether your project fits with our priorities.
Application packs are available now. The closing date for expression of interest forms is 5.00pm on Friday 11 May 2018.
Help is Available
As part of the project callout the GAMP team will be running an advice session to take you through the application process, and to give you some hints and tips to help you complete your application. We strongly recommend that you book a place at the session:
Wednesday 25 April, 10.00pm – 1.00pm at Woodham Community Centre
Thursday 26 April, 5.00pm – 7.00pm at Pioneering Care Centre
Tuesday 1 May, 2.00pm – 5.00pm at Pioneering Care Centre
If you are unable to attend an advice session please contact the GAMP Team to arrange an alternative appointment.
To request an application pack, to book a place at an advice session or to find out more about the GAMP project callout, please contact the GAMP Team: Email: Telephone: 01325 327 441