Dear Sir,
It has recently come to my attention that there is a by-election in my area, Woodham, next week. I only know this because I have had the usual election forms from the council through the letterbox.
I personally have not had a single person knock on my door asking for my vote. I have not seen any mention of potential candidates on social media. I have also not seen any ‘goofy’ pictures of candidates pointing at overgrown paths or rogue graffiti. I used to very much look forward to seeing these in your esteemed magazine come election time.
What I have seen though is a gradual decline in the area. There is more rubbish, more anti social behaviour and more overgrown paths than ever before.
Requests, I personally have made to my local MP, to improve parking in my area, have amounted to nothing, no offer of a conversation and no direction as to how I can raise a request with the council.
I, like all my neighbours, have also seen broken promises and silence from all my local councillors. Maybe it’s because we don’t live in an affluent area of Woodham that we are forgotten about.
It definitely seems like a massive waste of time to vote for someone we don’t know, who will promise the earth, but do nothing whatsoever until the next election. Then they will crawl out of the woodwork in the hope that your vote lands them a £13000+ (very part time) job.
Michael Murphy
Is There An Election?