Could you be the reason a child in care can look forward to a brighter future?
Durham County Council is hosting three drop-in events next month for people considering becoming foster carers.
Existing foster carers will be on hand to talk about their experiences during the sessions, which will take place on the following dates:
• Monday, 10 September – 4.30pm to 6.30pm at County Hall
• Saturday, 22 September –10am to 1.30pm at County Hall
• Thursday, 27 September – 11am to 1pm at Durham Town Hall
The events are part of the council’s Be The Reason campaign, which aims to dispel some of the myths around fostering and encourage people from all backgrounds to come forward as potential foster carers.
Helen Fergusson, Durham County Council’s head of children’s social care, said: “We are always striving to broaden our base of foster carers and, as such, we welcome enquiries from anyone, whether families, single parents, same sex couples or individuals.
“What matters to us is whether someone has the patience and skills to offer a vulnerable child a loving and stable home.”
The number of children coming into the care system in the north east has risen by 50 per cent since 2010, higher than in any other area of the country.
Nationally, there are 72,670 looked after children, including more than 800 in County Durham.
The council is particularly interested in foster carers who can provide loving homes for brothers and sisters so that they can stay together and teenagers and children with complex needs as well as carers who are able to offer a child a family home throughout their childhood.
For more information, visit or call 03000 269 400.
To support the Be The Reason campaign, follow @DurhamFosterAdopt on Facebook or search for #BeTheReason
Is Fostering For You?