Woodham Academy celebrates this week as it received the Investors in Careers Kitemark, a nationally recognised mark for outstanding provision of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. Throughout the course of this year the school has provided a wide variety of opportunities for students to participate in careers information events both in and out of school.
‘We take careers education very seriously here at Woodham Academy, ensuring that each and every student receives the right level of support in order to make informed decisions at key stages in their academic career,’ said Sarah McGinnety, who led the work into gaining the Investors in Careers accreditation.
Every year group follows a careers education programme supported by Further Education, Higher Education, the Armed Forces and local business. This year students also took part in a careers education promotional Skype video. In Year 11, students are taught by a team of specially trained staff who can help them to find their next step towards their chosen career. In Year 8 and Year 11 students have the opportunity to speak to a careers advisor on a one to one basis. This enables students and parents to make informed decisions about their future.
It is no surprise that the number of Woodham Academy students remaining in education, training and employment is above average for the area.