Woodham Academy has once again been awarded the Investing in Children Award. The award recognises and celebrates examples of imaginative and inclusive practice with children and young people. Organisations applying for the award have to demonstrate dialogue with young people, which leads to change. Students at Woodham Academy have the opportunity to apply for a variety of Student Leadership roles which include Peer Mentoring, Peer Listeners, Student Tour Guides, American Camp Cody, Games Leaders and Sports Leaders. However, the role of the School Council is one that holds great importance and is crucial in developing the school through the voice of its young people.  A total of 58 students from Years 7 – 11 represent their year groups on the Year Council. Students were elected in September by their peers, with some preparing speeches and presentations in order to achieve the most votes.  Students meet with their Heads of Year to discuss a variety of issues which are then raised and discussed at Student Council, involving 10 students and a member of the school leadership team.
Year 11 student, Jordan McAteer, has been on the School Council for at least three years and now in his final year.
In addition to the School Council four students also represent the town on the Great Aycliffe Town Council. These are excellent opportunities which develop  young people as citizens, where students are encouraged to take an interest in topical and controversial issues and to engage in discussion and debate. They learn to take part in decision-making and different forms of action as well as playing an active role in the life of their schools and community.
