Locomotionmodels.com will present a series of talks during 2017, giving railway modellers the opportunity to learn more about their hobby and develop new skills. The first talk will take place in the Hackworth Room at Locomotion: The National Railway Museum at Shildon on Saturday January 14, 2017, starting at 10.30am. The speaker is Simon from SHModelmaking, and the topic is “An Introduction to DCC” (Digital Command Control). This talk is ideal for anyone just starting out in the hobby, or thinking about converting to DCC. Simon will explain what DCC is, how it works, and will try to answer any questions you may have. Tickets for the talk are £2.50 each – this includes tea/coffee. Tickets are available from the gift shop at Locomotion: The NRM at Shildon or from www. locomotionmodels.com. For more information, please call the Locomotionmodels. com team on 01904 685785.
Introduction to “DCC”