The Service Users of Brantwood Unit, Innovations, have raised a grand total of £1,700 from sponsorship money in their ‘Walk all over Cancer’ campaign. This required a total of 50 miles to be walked in the month of March. Initially they only set out to raise £200!
The idea came about in the Brantwood service user February meeting, where the clients decided that they wanted to do something positive, and settled on the idea of raising money for a worthy cause; Cancer Research.
Together, they pushed themselves to complete the goal, walking 51 of the 50 target miles. Some days were easier than others, especially with the unpredictable British weather but, by cheering each other on and support from the staff, they have accomplished what they set out to do.
As a daycare service for adults with learning difficulties, we are incredibly proud of Brantwood’s accomplishments. From the decision to raise money for a charity, to completing the challenge, both staff and service users have shown incredible dedication and teamwork. Well done to you all.
Innovations Raise Staggering £1,700