Following incidents within Ineos and the serious fire at Stillers a short while ago, the Chestnuts Residents’ Group asked Ineos to organise an Opening evening and invite all residents from the Chestnuts Estate to visit the Plant in order for them to meet with the company management team and ask any questions of concern to allay fears that the residents may have about the companies safety record and procedures.
The invitation was to all houses on the Chestnuts Estate and approximately 20 people signed up to attend. After an Ineos safety briefing and site orientation talk, residents were told about the site history, followed by an introduction to the many products made from PVC and a brief description of the Resins and Compounds production process.
Following the Company presentation everyone was provided with PPE and taken on a tour of the Chlor Vinyls resin plant which included a visit to see the Aycliffe Angels memorial.
Throughout the visit residents were encouraged to ask any question or express any concern that they had regarding the manufacturing process or any aspect on safety particularly those regarding site incidents that had occurred over the last few years.
All in all it gave the Chestnuts residents the opportunity to see for themselves the high standards of safety employed by Ineos and as all questions were addressed the general feeling expressed by the residents was that they felt much happier having visited the site.
On behalf of the Chestnuts Estate may thank the management and staff of Ineos for organising the Opening Evening and for the hospitality given to us all.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee