Members of the public from Durham and Darlington are being invited to play a key role in reducing crime and improving community safety in the area.
Following the election of Ron Hogg as County Durham and Darlington’s first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in 2012, the Police and Crime Panel was established to provide an independent voice on plans and decisions by the commissioner.
The panel is currently looking for two members of the public from Darlington and County Durham to join the panel from 1 November 2014 until 31 April 2017.
The panel is made up of seven representatives from Durham County Council, three representatives from Darlington Borough Council and two members of the public.
The PCC is responsible for setting the priorities and resources for Durham Constabulary, as well as supporting broader community safety activities across the region. As part of the role, the commissioner is required to consult with the panel on his plans and budget for policing, as well as the level of council tax and the appointment of a chief constable.
The role of panel members is important and can be demanding – with the typical commitment expected to average one day a month, including preparation time. Panel members will receive appropriate training and can claim reasonable travel expenses.
Meetings are usually held during normal working hours at locations in County Durham and Darlington.
Application forms are available by contacting Durham County Council Legal & Democratic Services on 03000 269 702, via durhampolice-andcrimepanel or in writing to Ian Croft, Senior Committee Services Officer, Legal and Democratic Services, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UL. The closing date for applications is 5 September 2014.