Dear Sir,
Last week Durham County Council’s Planning Committee voted overwhelmingly to refuse planning permission for the Heighington Lane Waste Incinerator application, despite it’s own officers recommending approval.
County Councillors Neville Jones (Lib Dem), Jim Atkinson (Labour), Ken Robson (Ind), Eddy Adam (Labour), Michael Stead (Lib Dem) all spoke out very eloquently against the application, it was real teamwork, together with Christine Walton for Great Aycliffe Town Council, Aycliffe Village Town Councillor Carl Robinson and residents Penny Jackson, Eileen Brewis, David Storey, John and Hilda Longley.
(Noticably absent were the two Conservative County Councillors for Newton Aycliffe).
This is a tremendous victory for residents and local Councillors who presented an excellent case. Congratulations to all concerned.
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
The meeting can be seen on this link:

Arun M Chandran