Arrangements that have been made for the inquiry to be held regarding the appeal by the appellant against Durham County Councils decision to refuse planning permission.
The inquiry will start at 10am on Tuesday 28th June 2022 at The Work Place, Heighington Lane, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe.
It is scheduled to last five days.
The Inspector, Woolcock BNatRes MURP DipLaw MRTPI, appointed by the Secretary of State under paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 6 of the Town and County Planning Act 1990, will attend to hear representations and thereafter will decide the appeal.
Members of the public may attend the inquiry and, at the Inspector’s discretion, express their views.
ELG Planning will be representing Great Aycliffe Town Council at the Appeal and our consultant is scheduled to speak early on the Wednesday morning (29th June), along with the residents’ group.
Councillor Arun M Chandran
Incinerator Appeal Dates