Dear Sir,
Incinerator Appeal
In December, Durham County Council Planning Committee refused the application from Fornax to build an incinerator at Merchant Park. Fornax have now appealed, and there will be a public inquiry on 28 June 2022 to hear the appeal.
The Planning Committee agreed that the negative impacts of the incinerator greatly outweighed the number of jobs it would bring – said to be 27 – and would use up land that could support many more. The application was rejected because “The proposal is contrary to the allocation of the site in Policy 2 of the County Durham Plan for employment uses and would prejudice the delivery of B uses in the future”. It is understood the appeal will focus on that. (NB Policy 2 covers use of land and, whilst the site was allocated for employment use, the relevant B uses are: B1 Business Use, B2 Industry, B8 Storage and Distribution).
There are many thriving businesses on the estate around Merchant Park, some of which have already objected to the incinerator because they feel it would adversely affect their business. They cited the importance of ensuring a safe environment for employees and the ability to recruit the best talent, as well as maintaining an attractive area for visitors, potential customers and suppliers.
There is now the opportunity – until 28 March 2022 – for new representations to be made to the Planning Inspectorate. If anyone (business or resident) is concerned about the prospect of having a particularly unattractive and toxin-emitting incinerator on the estate, please write now, sending three copies to:
The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3D Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.
Alternatively, you can email comments to:
In both cases, quote Appeal Reference APP/X1355/W/22/3292099. Representations from people who have not previously commented, as well as from those who did and now wish to make new representations, will be considered in the appeal.
Yours faithfully, Eileen Brewis, Residents Group
Incinerator Appeal