Dear Sir,
I am a Newton News fan and think it is very important for local newspapers to survive for the community. Local advertising is what keeps them going.
However, I cannot understand why local trades people advertise their services, which costs them money, only to ignore local people trying to access their services when they contact them.
My husband and I have contacted a few, who advertise in the Newton News, over the last few years, never to get a reply. I think this also goes against the very basic rule of customer service. Even if it’s a ‘I’m too busy’ or a ‘Your job is too small’, (despite the fact my ad states no job too small), but to just get totally ignored is rude.
Common courtesy costs nothing and when these trades people are struggling for customers at some point in the future they may wish they had replied.
If I get blanked I will never offer my custom again, but if I get a polite response I may try them again in the future.
Have other Newton News readers had this problem? I know trades people are in high demand, even the bad ones, but maybe they should think about how they would feel if they needed something done and couldn’t even get a response.
We are not all capable of DIY, due to health reasons, and need some help. Trades people, please just reply, even if it’s a thanks, but no thanks.
Name and address supplied.