Dear Sir,
A cyclist forced car drivers to queue far longer than needed on Burn Lane at 4pm on Tuesday May 6th. Traffic going out of town towards Cobblers Hall were frustrated by this selfish cyclist who appeared to be well dressed for the occasion and was probably returning from work with a rucksack on his back.
It was a hot day and being stuck in a car, due to this inconsiderate cyclist, refusing to use the cycle tracks positioned less than 2 metres away along Burn Lane, was annoying.
He broke several Highway Code rules which should be pointed out to this man and other cyclists using roads at peak times, especially when they ride in the middle of the carriageway approaching chicanes.
169: DO NOT hold up a long queue of traffic
168: NEVER obstruct drivers who wish to pass
Specific to Cyclists:
61: USE Cycle routes, ………
62: USE cycle tracks….often located away from the road alongside footpaths.
66 – 6: Be Considerate to other road uses
67 – 3: Be aware of traffic coming up behind you.
68 – 3: You must not ride in a careless or inconsdierate manner.
If this man was cycling instead of driving a car to work in an effort to produce less pollution, he was actually causing other road users to pollute the atmosphere more than he was saving.
If he wants to save the environment he should be using as many cycle tracks and cycleways as possible.
At the moment he is causing a great deal of harm to the environment and putting himself at risk of being in an accident, which would mean the waste of more fuel and money being used by Emergency Services.
Road User
Name & address supplied