We are now rapidly approaching decision day for this most important election.

The role of your MP is to represent the views of their electorate in as influential a manner as possible. I have already undertaken to fully represent the Sedgefield constituency vote to leave the EU and deliver Brexit but there is more to parliament than Brexit.

You need an MP who both listens to you and promotes your views in Westminster, you currently have neither.

Over the last few weeks I have met with the Prime Minister and The Chancellor as well as The Secretary of States for Health, Transport and International Development and been able to discuss Sedgefield with them all. Should I and the Conservatives be elected to govern then I can continue this dialogue and deliver for Sedgefield. Any other outcome removes direct communication with the top table.

I have spent my life in the Sedgefield constituency area, starting in Ferryhill and then on to Newton Aycliffe before Darlington and I was married in Bishopton.

As the son of a fireman, born in a mining village, with a working life in industry and married to a farmer’s daughter, I can appreciate all aspects of the constituency. From the town to the villages both mining and rural, I can relate to them.

As a businessman, I understand the needs of our industry and our retailers. As a councillor I understand the needs of residents and as a school governor, I understand the pressure on local services.

As your MP I would work for all of you on all of these and I sincerely hope you will give me that opportunity.

If you want to be listened to and represented please vote Paul Howell, Conservative on 12th December.