Newton Aycliffe based manufacturer, Husqvarna, is raising money for Breast Cancer Care again this year, marking a third year of support for the charity. The world leader in outdoor power products has launched an online auction this month for a Pink Automower® with the proceeds going to charity.
The auction for Husqvarna’s robotic lawnmower ran until October 18th, giving potential bidders the chance to get involved and own their own robotic gardener whilst also raising money for a great cause.
Husqvarna is known for pioneering the robotic lawnmowing industry in 1995 and produces industry-leading robotic lawnmowers from its Newton Aycliffe which are sold across the world.
Staff in Newton Aycliffe also took part in an internal fundraising day on Friday 12th October at the company’s offices to celebrate Breast Cancer Care’s ‘The Big Pink’; dressing up in pink and raising money. Over the past two years the company has raised over £7,000 through fundraising activities.
Ken Brewster, Commercial Director for Husqvarna said: “We’re happy to be raising money for such a great charity for the third year running. We’ve had some great success from our previous pink auctions and giveaways, and we hope this year will be exactly the same. It was brilliant to see our staff getting on board and wearing pink in the office again this year, something which is becoming a bit of a tradition now for us.”
Alec Raven, Head of Community Fundraising at Breast Cancer Care, added: “We’re so grateful to Husqvarna for holding their online auction, for supporting us for a third consecutive year and for also doing a Big Pink in their office too. The money raised will help Breast Cancer Care to continue to provide free services including; support over the phone with a nurse or someone who’s been there, welcoming online forums, reliable information and local group support.
“691,000 people are living with a breast cancer diagnosis in the UK today, and that figure is only set to grow. With support from companies like Husqvarna, we can be here for more people, whenever they need us.”
How does Husqvarna Automower® work?
Husqvarna Automower® works via the installation of an electrical boundary wire around the desired cutting area. With a range of models capable of managing lawn sizes up to 5,000m² in any weather, Husqvarna Automower® can tackle even the most complex of lawns, including those with rough terrain and slopes up to 45%.
Cutting just a few millimeters of grass at a time, Automower® keeps lawns neat and healthy by distributing small grass clippings back into the lawn to act as a natural fertiliser. This means there is no need for grass clear up afterwards.
To bid on the Pink Automower® visit:
And for more information about Breast Cancer Care, visit:
Husqvarna Supports Breast Cancer Care