On Saturday 4th December Rotarians, their friends, families and Newton Aycliffe citizens brought their Reverse Advent Food Boxes to The Car Park at The Big Club.
During the month of November everyone put an item of food into a box, the reverse of December when one takes out a gift from the Advent Calendar. Rotarians were overwhelmed by the amount of food and number of gifts donated in over 70 boxes.
This has been given to local food banks, some of whom are in dire need of food especially to support families over Christmas and during the school holidays.
Sadly, I do not have the names of all the members of the Newton Aycliffe public who contributed, I am, though, immensely grateful to you all and thank you for your kindness, you know who you are!
Imagine my surprise when we were given a large contribution from staff at Babcock Engineering in Catterick. One of our local guys who works there had read about our initiative and had brought his colleagues on board – thank you so much.
Particularly at this time of year it is much more blessed to give than to receive. You have shown that in your response.
On behalf of Rotary Newton Aycliffe I wish you all a joyful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Pat Henderson-Pickersgill, Organiser