The Hub of Wishes celebrated its 1st year on Tuesday 4th October. The charity helps and supports adults with mental health issues and Vicki Lawrence Manager said it has been a very successful year for the organisation, managing to secure funding to open 5 days per week and offering more services to the ever growing membership. Joanne Howe Deputy Manager said: “We will strive to gain more funding this year to secure a bright future for our organisation”. The Hub of Wishes is open Monday-Friday 10am-4pm – no appointment necessary just pop along for a cuppa and a chat
at Silverdale House Silverdale Place Newton Aycliffe. Tel; 01325 300121. The Therapy Suite is now up and running again with therapies by appointment on Wednesdays at a cost of £10 per session. Photo; Adam White GAMP, Counc. Eddy Adam, Nicola Mason The Purple Ladies, Vicki Lawrence Manager, Joanne Howe Deputy Manager, Lesley Bailey Chairperson and Andrea Walker Treasurer. A massive thank you to the above people for supporting us as an organisation with needs for vital funding. Vicki Lawrence Manager
Hub of Wishes Celebrate 1st Birthday