On Thursday 8th November we attended Durham County Council Environment Awards with Cllr John D Clare. John nominating us in the Community Partnership category which was a very strong group and showcased lots of great work being carried out across County Durham.
John nominated us in recognition of our work in the community, bulb planting, litter picking, bus trips, fun days, working with other residents groups, Autism Centre, Food Bank, Greenfield Community and Arts College, Woodham Community centre (defib project), Syrian refugees, local health groups and many more. We also work with Livin, Police, Councils and Councillors to improve the lives of everyone living in our community.
Although we didn’t win we reached the last 6 and were Highly Commended, it was a pleasure and privilege to attend the evening and we thank John and those who supported him in the nomination. Well done to Shildon Alive and Chester le Street in Bloom who were joint winners in our group.
It was great to see Newton Press as joint winners in the Greener Business category.
Philip Clark
HRA Highly Commended at Environmental Awards