Dear Sir,
Everyday we see a new challenge locally, nationally and globally. What really is going on, and who is truly representing your needs? We face three elections within weeks. In May we have the chance to vote in County Council representatives and also the new salaried position of Tees Valley Mayor. Then in June the General Election after months of ‘just in case’ preparations for a snap election. Brexit will happen, we must remember that, no matter which party has the keys to 10 Downing Street, the deal on the table we will not know until after the General Election and the EU present it to the Government for negotiation. Brexit should not be a sole reason you choose a candidate. I believe these elections are about concentrating on local issues, and what we need.
Brexit will come, there will be parliamentary squabbles, U turns and hopefully a position for the UK in Europe and the world at the end of it without too many bad ‘hits.’ We have all received literature through the door, with all party’s promising different ways to spend budgets (my first thought is cut the salary of the mayor at least 30% initially and pay councillors for their time on the job only, and not just because they were elected (my biggest bug bear are councillors who are just a name on a piece of paper and are wheeled out for a vote or two if needed)). I strongly disagree with an elected representative abstaining on any vote, it just demonstrates weakness and suspicion waiting to see the public reaction before coming on side for votes.
Here is what the literature through the door promised: Labour want to bring more jobs, decent pay, improve education by taking money from London, community regeneration projects and will listen to you. Liberal Democrats want to advance transport, invest in supersonic travel, build our chemical industry back up, bring back jobs and investment in medical and sustainable green power, and bring back metal (steel) investment. UKIP want a referendum on the Tees Valley authority, a metro system, bring investors, and support local communities in need. Conservatives want to purchase the airport with the Mayors budget, object to some housing projects, and will get rid of the Cleveland police. I have listened, and I know what I believe in are strong beliefs, as I am sure many of you may hold My next thought – the North includes us reading this, or are we not in the North too?
My thoughts on Education is something I believe deeply in, and any suggestion of funding not available to schools is devastating. Headmasters are already cutting staff locally, cutting repairs to school infrastructure and having to cut funds destined to deliver our children’s best education needs. If the Government hampers education funds we fail in our duty to the next generation and our futures. NHS, well I think it’s pretty important – most used it coming into the world, and I am sure most have used it again. I am not happy there are reductions to local hospital services planned because of Government funding reductions. Reducing Accident and Emergency, maternity and some operations is not the way forward, and something I could not represent.
Image if you had a car crash, a heart attack, a stroke, difficulty breathing or your child banged their head out playing, where would you go if Accident and Emergency was shut? Jobs and Investment – Why have we lost our great regional industry’s? People in work is fantastic, but we should not be content with minimal salaries of a few hours paid work with a need to substitute them with universal credit benefits – we should be securing well paid jobs for all. When I put myself forward to stand and represent you in the 2015 General Election, I spoke honestly to fight your corner, on what I truly believe in, investment in jobs, education, the NHS, a better deal in life for you, and I would have crossed any party line to make sure you got the best deal.
Today, I could not contemplate signing an agreement like the one for 2015 agreeing to the current Government policy, like those standing where I did, for council or for parliament must agree on, to toe the party lines. I can never agree with policy when it messes and disrupts jobs, investment, your life security, education and your NHS. I also don’t agree that council candidates may not live or work in the electoral area, (as I am sure it is a pre requisite to stand), especially if living in Darlington and standing for Darlington Borough Council in 2019.
Where are loyalty’s and procedures? It is your choice who you vote for (I am not standing in case you thought I was begging for votes), but this is a difficult time, and there will be struggles ahead, we need representatives to work for you locally, as non presented to you are destined to be in charge of Brexit negotiations. We needed people who will support you, stand up for you and represent you. We need jobs, investment, good education, good security in our lives and an NHS that work for you when you need it. Maybe you should ask the question, “How will you actually do what you say you want to do if elected?”.
Scott Wood