The County Council have received a Housing Planning Application DM/16/02709/OUT for 450 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and engineering works. The company’s Design & Access statement here: Reference: DM_16_02709. To see the full application and responses, go to the Council’s Planning Portal (https://publicaccess.durham. and enter the reference: DM/16/02709/OUT into the Search box at the bottom. The former owner of this site, Bob Porter of Equestrian Centre fame, applied to build houses and create access from the A167 by providing a roundabout. After trying for a year or two he was still unsuccessful and gave up on the plan as he was told there was no way another access would ever be allowed off the A167. Others have made similar applications for access to houses on the A167 and been refused, so it would seem unlikely this scheme would be acceptable.
Housing Application for 450 Homes Wants Access off A167