The guest speakers for this month’s meeting are Christine Walton and Amanda Donald from the Town Council who will bring us up to date with the Neighbourhood Plan.
This is great for the public to add their views and thoughts to the process, which will help shape the future of our great town. They will also talk about the proposed bmx/Scoot track at Horndale Park. Earlier in the year we asked for views on a bmx track and things have moved on a little with a new proposal to build a scoot park instead. The town has a bmx track at Woodham so a different facility will benefit youngsters. The council needs your views especially younger people who will use the facility. Please ask your children their thoughts to pass on to the council. Even better, ask them to come to our meeting to express their thoughts.
Hopefully attending the meeting will be our new PCSO, local councillors and Livin. Our meetings are a great way to meet and discuss openly any concerns or ideas you may have regarding your local neighbourhood.
The meeting starts at 6pm with refreshments at 5.45 at the Evangelical Church, Ladybower and is friendly and very welcoming – hope to see you there.
Philip Clark Chairman
Horndale Residents Meet