Pupils and staff at Horndale County Infant & Nursery School raised funds for Children in Need on Friday 13th November. Deputy Head Teacher Mr D Walker and the School Council led an assembly telling the children all about Children in Need and how it was a very important Charity as it helps so many children who live in desperate circumstances.
As a school we raised £112.85 for the BBC Children in Need appeal. Staff and pupils dressed as their own hero. As part of the assembly the School Council had arranged a variety of fun activities to take part in. Firstly they asked for some brave children who were requested to put their feet in some yucky concoctions! They will never look at spaghetti or custard in the same way again!
Next up was the Doughnut Eating challenge to see who could eat the most within 3 minutes! The only rule was they were not allowed to use their hands!
Year 2 teacher, Mrs Copeland bravely volunteered for the final surprise event. The school council wanted to see how many times she could be splatted with a cream pie in one minute!
Head Teacher Craig Brown said “The children and staff have had great fun taking part in lots of activities and raising funds. By the end of the day they had a really good understanding of how important it is to raise money and more importantly understanding where their money goes to. A big well done to everyone who took part, especially our newly elected school council.”
Horndale Raise £112 for Children in Need