Horndale Residents Association meet on Wednesday 2nd April at 6pm in the Evangelical Church. Refreshments available from 5.45pm.
We are holding a Free Easter Fun Afternoon in partnership with Aycliffe Evangelical Church on Saturday 19th April 2pm-4pm. The activities include egg decorating competitions, egg and spoon and bean bag races. The Police will be offering free bike marking and free crime prevention advice and equipment. It is important that we all think about crime prevention.
The vast majority of thefts from homes, garages and vehicles are made easy for the thief’s because of items left on show or doors left unlocked.
The afternoon is open to everyone of all ages to bring the whole community together, even if your family have grown up or you are on your own please come along and join in. There will be refreshments and hot cross buns etc available. Our new mascot will be attending his first event so we hope he will have a large and friendly welcome. He has heard how nice you all are and wants to join us to make the afternoon fun. Other events planned are bus trips to museums, the seaside and a summer fun day. These are open to everyone and will be either free or at a small cost.
Little Acorns the junior side of Acorn Residents Association are holding a Petting Zoo on the 11th April at the Leisure Centre 11.am – 3pm. Little Acorns run and organise themselves with a little bit of help from the adults, however they decide on what events they want and research costs etc. We are really lucky to have these young members of our society who are taking part in creating a better town for us all to live in – well done!
Hope to see you all at your next meeting or at the Easter Fun Day
Don’t forget this event is FREE where can you go and get everything free plus the chance of winning or finding Easter Eggs.
Philip Clark, Chairman.