We are holding our A.G.M on the 3rd December at 6pm with Christmas refreshments at 5.45pm at the Evangelical Church, Ladybower. We will take a look back over the last fantastic year and discuss plans for next year which looks like being a busy one with lots of events planned.
We will also vote for next year’s Committee; anyone wishing to stand for the committee or just want to help is more than welcome to come along.
In attendance will be our new Livin Community Co-ordinator Allison Lonsdale also Police and local Councillors. This is a good opportunity to meet the above people and gives you a relaxed atmosphere to speak with them and discuss issues or ideas.
Our meetings are open to everyone and the only thing we insist on is you bring a smile and a laugh. Please come and join us and help make our good neighbourhoods better places to live.
Philip Clark
Horndale AGM