After delays due to the lockdown, Honest John’s charity (John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty) can now finally be closed.
On Tuesday 28th July Val and Roger (charity trustees) presented a cheque for £3445.16 to the Spennymoor branch of the P.D.S.A. (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals).
This figure is the funds which were left in the charity account. As per the terms of the Charity Commission, any remaining funds, when a charity closes, must be paid to another registered charity.
As an animal lover, particularly cats, John chose the P.D.S.A. in his will.
Beverley Colling, the P.D.S.A. branch manager, was delighted and quite overwhelmed with John’s legacy and would like to assure the people of Newton Aycliffe that it will be spent wisely caring for sick animals in our area.
Finally, Val and Roger would again wish to thank everyone in Newton Aycliffe who supported John and his charity work over the years and for their continued support since he died.