We have some valuable information and requests for all the readers who take the time and trouble to read this article. Firstly, as from April, the government have banned Metaldehyde slug pellets, this hopefully will be permanent too, but everyone needs to play their individual part and not put this poison down, hedgehogs eat slugs, poisoned ones too, hedgehogs die a slow and painful death if us rescuers don’t get them in, we are also up against saving them. Organic methods are out there, let your hedgehogs kill your garden pests, they are everyone’s garden friend.
Also some council workers have been spotted strimming hedgerows without checking for hibernating hogs, everyone, professionally or privately, cutting back should check before strimming, it takes no time at all. We advise no gardening till the temperature is 10c minimum to give all wildlife, including bees, a chance, the government are increasing their efforts for our hedgehogs, red squirrels etc, to give them more protection but we all must play our part to help these poor creatures before it’s too late.
Many thanks to all my regular helpers and fundraisers, this rescue is doing really well thankfully. Firstly June, Valerie, Teri, Emma, Marlene and Bethany. Because of their help most life saving medical supplies are here for our prickly pals. Above is a lovely picture of Henry. He decided to have a little walk around last evening, overwintering is tough on them but even harder outside, they have to wait till spring for their own safety.
Here is my email pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society telephone number is 01584 890801.
Advice and help is always around for these lovely creatures.
Hog Blog