Given the major contribution the presence of Hitachi Rail has in Sedgefield and Bombardier Transportation has in Derby South, Local MP Phil Wilson and MP for Derby South, Margaret Beckett have written to Douglas Oakervee, the Chair of the HS2 Independent Review to emphasise their ‘shared belief in the strategic importance of High Speed 2 proceeding’.
‘The Hitachi and Bombardier joint venture bid is the only one that provides maximum benefit for the economy by using established factories in the UK, relying on established UK supply chains. Given the peaks and troughs in demand in the rolling stock industry, the rolling stock contract provides a major chance to support employment and skills. Bombardier and Hitachi have a combined UK rail workforce of almost 8,000, in addition to the many thousands employed in their supply chains.
The rolling stock contract will create and sustain many skilled design, manufacturing and maintenance jobs all across the country.
Furthermore, HS2 represents a chance to create in the UK a sustainable exportable legacy in high speed rail including design and engineering, manufacturing, skills, and the UK supply chain. This potential would be lost if HS2 were cancelled or majorly de-scoped.
While we support the Review, its existence has inevitably increased the current levels of uncertainty in the rail sector, on top of that caused by the Williams Review, and by Brexit. Uncertainty has a particular impact on the small and medium sized enterprises in the rail supply chain, many of which are located in our constituencies.’
The letter closed with the MP’s requesting a meeting with Douglas Oakervee to discuss the review and so they could further highlight ‘the long term economic value HS2 can play with regards to British manufacturing and the rail supply chain’ in their constituencies and across the UK.