Dear Sir
I am aware that Newton Aycliffe has a Family History Society but do not know of a more local organisation which could help me find out more on the history and development of Woodham Glade, but perhaps your readers could help me out.
According to maps the remains of this area is now only the little bit left after the rest was built on about 23/25 years ago.
It now seems only to be the public walkways from the road at Burnhill Way as far as St Elizabeth’s Close end of Woodham Way. It winds along the backs of the houses of Woodham Gate, The Bridle and the Spinney on the one side and those of Dudley Drive, Sorrel Wynd, Yarrow Court and Pemberton Road on the other, with a number of side turnings leading into each street or close.
It is a popular shortcut and walkway for people living in the area and is also well used by dog walkers.
Originally it seems to have simply been a country glade with a footpath running through, later improved to a cinder track which was later developed, probably by the Council, into a tarmac footpath bordered by grass, trees and shrubbery along each side.
There is the soggy ditch on one side and a reported ‘ancient hedgerow’ somewhere. The ditch seems largely collapsed or filled in, by the creation of turnoffs into each estate.and there is evidence of other activities. The hedgerow is hard to identify among so much wild vegetation.
I am keen to find out what the area looked like originally and how it was changed under housebuilding over the last quarter century. I would very much like to hear from anyone familiar with those changes from what seems to have been a pleasant country ‘Glade’ and it’s stages of development to it’s present state of neglect.
If anyone has information which they are willing to share, or photographs of the area which they are willing to let me see I will be grateful if they will contact me on 307038. email:
J D Whittaker