Newton Aycliffe Youth Football Club Secretary, Berni Borsberry, was on holiday in Mombasa, Kenya, when he met a young man that worked in the hotel, who was giving all his spare time coaching young boys and girls. He had very little equipment but lots of enthusiastic young children turning up every day to his training sessions.
Whilst there, Berni bought him two footballs and, before he left, he promised to send him some used equipment from the football club. This proved to be a long, expensive road to eventually get some bibs, goalkeeper gloves, a ball, ball sacks, ball pump and whistles to him, which were hugely appreciated by the youngsters. This parcel was expensive to send and insure and then was stopped in customs for four weeks until eventually he had to pay an expensive import duty.
This was a lot of money that could have been better spent on much needed equipment. Berni has now organised an account, with a local sports shop in Mombasa, where he can buy the equipment direct and his Kenyan friend can pick it up. He has set up a just giving page for all his friends and the local footballing community to raise funds for much needed equipment for these young Kenyan footballers. Every £1 will help, so please give what you can.
Helping Kenyan Footballers