The Helping Hands team held their second “Great Giveaway “last Thursday. Over 100 people came through the door, which was up on last time.  It was a massive success!
We hosted the event at St Clare’s in the town centre and volunteers happily flooded in from Life Church to support the evening, helping to give away countless brand new items to those who needed them most in our community.
Volunteers from Life Church also assisted in serving refreshments to their guests, along with home baked cakes. Children were not left out as they had their own corner of fun activities. Music complimented the evening with Debbie from Life Church singing ‘The Rose’.
Event organiser Jane Johnson said “Our guests were so surprised with the items that were free to take home, and we were also able to give five free vouchers to each family to redeem on items of their own choice. I spoke to a lady with tears in her eyes who had never known such generosity. Life Church volunteers worked relentlessly and I was honoured to lead such a dedicated team of people”.
Helping Hands project leader Alwyn White said “We see the need, we meet the need as best as we can and this is just another way of doing it. We’re planning to have another ‘Great Giveaway’ just before Christmas where we are anticipating helping over 150 people.”
If you’d like an invitation to the next VIP event please phone Jane on 07936 431262 to reserve your place. In the meantime, if anyone would like to come along to Life Church then please do so, you are guaranteed a very warm welcome.  It is held at Greenfield School in the main hall on Thursday evenings between 7 – 9 pm.

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